So spine can't work with texture atlas with rotated images? This makes the sprite sheet larger than necessary. For instance, the image below show a small example using the spine goblins skeletons: on the left, it is using the Spine atlas format on the right this is the TexturePacker atlas version. The animation is working only if I disable "rotation" during texture-packing. when using the TexturePacker format, it looks like only the mesh types are rendered properly whereas the standard region types of attachment are broken.

I don't see any settings on texturepacker to force it use the full image names instead of creating index value. I can't change the naming convention of the images as it affects bunch of other things. This is working for me, but I am not sure if this is the right thing to do. The more irregular and varying in size your sprite are the better the packing will be. The gain depends of course on your sprites. Polygon packing is computational expensive and thus takes a bit longer than packing with MaxRects. Simply set TexturePacker's Algorithm to Polygon. Spine uses multiple advanced packing algorithms. TexturePacker comes with an additional new feature: Polygon Packing. Spine can efficiently pack many smaller images into larger images, resulting in what is called a 'texture atlas'. Sprintf(name2, "%s_%d",region->name, region->index) Binding the texture is relatively expensive, so it is ideal to store many smaller images on a larger image, bind the larger texture once, then draw portions of it many times. I modified the Atlas.c/Atlas_findRegion function to have the logic to consider index as part of the name: if (region->index > 0) This fails with "unable to find region" error. Spine run-time doesn't understand this and attempts to looks for a region with name "img-name_number" ignoring the index element. If image-names are of the format " ", the texturepacker saves atlas region as name=, index=. I am having the following issues, would be great to hear from you: Pretty excited with what I have seen so far.
I just bought the license and started using it in my cocos2d environment.